First, review the information about D2L usernames and passwords; the information usually resolves the most common log-in problems.
Second, review the relevant web videos available (link opens in a new browser window).
Third, submit the Student technical help web form in the 'Online Inver Hills' section of the college's web site if you want help from technical support staff by phone or e-mail.
Fourth, visit the Computer Lab, 1st floor, Library building for in-person help with all campus technology.
Computer Lab Hours - Fall Term
(on days classes meet
on campus)
Monday - Thursday
Phone: (651) 450-8653 -- option 2
Q. How often are you online? What hours do you tend to be online?
A. During the typical work week, Monday-Friday, I am online several times
a day, and I check E-mail frequently. I am online less frequently on weekends, although I still check E-mail a couple
of times a day.
Q. What if I E-mail you or call you
and do not hear back from you within 24 hours?
A. Unless I am ill, I respond to all E-mail and phone calls promptly.
If you do not hear from me within a reasonable length of time, please assume I did not receive your call or message, and call
or E-mail me again.
Q. Where is your office?
A. Because I faciltate classes online, I do not have a RL (real-life office).
Q. May students drop off papers at your
office when you are not there or place place in your faculty mailbox?
A. Remember, I do not have a RL office. Submit
class work to the D2L drop box system, which operates similar to E-mail attachments. If you have difficulty with
the Dropbox, we can conference by phone or E-mail, and I shall show you how to utilize it.
Q. Do you accept late papers?
A. I accept renegotiated work contracts--meaning, work deadlines have been renegotiated with me
ahead of the due date, with both
of us agreeing to a new due date. A last minute announcement about a late paper is not acceptable and will
be penalized by way of grade reduction. (I hate issuing threats.)
Q. Are you a hard grader?
A. I demand a lot from students, but I also allow--indeed, encourage-- revisions for higher grades on all assignments.
Q. In terms of personality, are you a crabby curmudgeon; a dead fish; cool and caustic; suave
and debonair; efficient and business-like; or a loopy eccentric?
A. Probably efficient and business-like, with a large dose of eccentricity.
Q. Any advice on how
to succeed in your classes?
A. Be yourself and be willing to think.